Growing Yourself Up
Adulting isn’t just about responsibilities like paying bills or holding down a job—it’s about emotional maturity. Terrance Real highlights the importance of “growing yourself up,” which means transitioning from emotional reactivity to emotional responsibility. While we may carry wounds or patterns from our past, Real emphasizes that as adults, we have the power and duty…Read more
Breaking the Chains: Addressing Toxic Masculinity, Generational Trauma, and Men’s Mental Health
In recent years, conversations about toxic masculinity, generational trauma, and men’s mental health have gained traction, shedding light on issues that have long been in the shadows. As a psychotherapist, I’ve seen firsthand the profound impact these factors have on men’s emotional well-being. This blog post aims to explore these themes and offer insights into…Read more
Building Stronger Relationships: The Power of John Gottman’s 5-to-1 Ratio
Conflict is an inevitable part of every marriage, but understanding how couples navigate it can be the key to a lasting and fulfilling relationship. Dr. John Gottman’s groundbreaking research, particularly the 5-to-1 ratio, offers valuable insights into what distinguishes happy couples from those facing turmoil. The 5-to-1 Ratio Explained: Dr. Gottman and Robert Levenson’s longitudinal…Read more
The Psychology of Pushing Beyond Your Comfort Zone: Playing Big, Not Small
In the realm of personal growth and self-improvement, there’s a fundamental concept that often gets discussed: pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone. It’s a term thrown around in many contexts, from business to sports to everyday life, but it holds a special place in the field of psychology. When we talk about venturing beyond our…Read more
Keeping Your Mental Health in Balance While Working From Home
Maintaining mental health amid the stresses of working full time can be challenging enough on its own. Throw a pandemic into the mix and suddenly managing one’s mental health can become a monumental undertaking. Fear and uncertainty seem to be everywhere; these can lead to anxiety and/or depression which in turn, can affect every aspect…Read more