Blog Archives
Wired for Love
I’m excited to deep dive into a conversation about Marriage and connection with my pal Rabbi Grover. He says that the institution of marriage does a really good job of supporting people in matrimony but not enough to sustain relationships throughout the lifespan. I couldn’t agree more – 50% of marriages are ending in divorce. Relationships…Read more
in acceptance, Addiction, Anxiety, Attachment Theory, Cognitive Distortions, Couples Counseling, Depression, Dr. Sue Johnson, Happiness, hold me tight, insecure attachment, Love, marital therapy, Marriage, mindful parenting, North York, north york family health team, psychotherapy, secure attachment, Stan Tatkin, Toronto, wired for love, York University on January 4, 2020
Mindful Way Workshop
FREE YOURSELF FROM DEPRESSION, ANXIETY AND EMOTIONAL DISTRESS DATES: Wednesday May 3rd – June 21st, 12:45 -3:00 pm. Retreat on Friday June 16, 9:30 am -3:30pm What is Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy? Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy or MBCT is an innovative program that combines cognitive therapy with mindfulness meditation. Participants will learn skills and techniques to…Read more
in 2017, acceptance, Addiction, ADHD, adolescents, Anxiety, CBT, Cognitive Distortions, compassion, counselling, Delayed Gratification, Depression, Happiness, Jon Kabat Zinn, Marriage, MBCT, MBSR, Medication, Meditation, mindful parenting, Mindfulness Toronto, Neuroplasticity, North Toronto, North York, north york family health team, North York General Hospital, panic attacks, Parenting, psychotherapy, relapse, Relapse Prevention, rumination, self-compassion, spring, Toronto, Zoloft on March 9, 2017
Mindfulness Workshop: Winter 2017
FREE YOURSELF FROM DEPRESSION, ANXIETY AND EMOTIONAL DISTRESS DATES: Wednesday February 8 – April 5th 12:45 -3:00 pm. Retreat on Sunday March 19, 9:30 am -3:30pm What is Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy? Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy or MBCT is an innovative program that combines cognitive therapy with mindfulness meditation. Participants will learn skills and techniques to…Read more
in acceptance, Addiction, ADHD, adolescents, Anxiety, CBT, Cognitive Distortions, compassion, counselling, Depression, EFT, Happiness, Jon Kabat Zinn, Lawrence Park, Medication, Meditation, mindfulness, mindfulness based stress reduction, Mindfulness For Caregivers, mindfulness meditation, mindfulness parenting, Mindfulness Toronto, Neuroplasticity, North Toronto, North York, north york family health team, North York General Hospital, panic attacks, Parenting, psychotherapy, rumination, Self-Compassion, Toronto, York University on November 10, 2016