Blog Archives

COVID-19: Maintaining Mental Health While Working From Home

Mental health amid the stresses of working full time can be challenging enough on its own. Throw a pandemic into the mix and suddenly managing one’s mental health can become a monumental undertaking. Fear and uncertainty seem to be everywhere; these can lead to anxiety and/or depression which in turn, can affect every aspect of…Read more

By larry in , , , , , , , , , on November 22, 2020

Just take a breath

This might sound a little weird, but hear me out… I want you to just take a breath, and relax. We’re living in a weird time and things likely haven’t gone the way you thought they would in 2020. So go on, take a 3 minute breathing space. Maybe you or a loved one lost your…Read more

By larry in , , , , , on April 27, 2020


This terrible pandemic has given me a renewed appreciation for all that I ordinarily took for granted. It’s actually quite profound. Since physical distancing is the single most important thing we can each do right now to flatten the curve, I’ve fully switched my psychotherapy services over to VIRTUAL THERAPY. I feel incredibly grateful to…Read more

By larry in , , , , , , , , on April 10, 2020

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