Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy

Over the course of time, many couples need assistance, guidance and sometimes therapy to help their marriage and relationships overcome problems and thrive towards success. Having a successful marriage is one of life’s greatest pleasures and yet nearly 50% of marriages end in divorce. The statistics on divorce rate is alarming and says something about…Read more
Happy Social Work Week 2018
ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS LAUNCHES AWARENESS EFFORT AMID GROWING MENTAL HEALTH, SOCIAL ISSUES & HEALTH COST CONCERNS Today signals the start Social Work Week in the province (March 5-11). It also marks a new chapter for the Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW), representing 5,300+ social workers in the province, as they highlight the positive findings from a recent pilot…Read more
Hold Me Tight – Relationships

“Romantic love is all about attachment and emotional bonding. It is all about our wired-in need to have someone to depend on, a loved one who can offer reliable emotional connection and comfort. Love is not the icing on the cake of life. It is a basic primary need, like oxygen or water. Once we…Read more
Bad things are going to happen. Your tomatoes will grow a fungus and your cat will get run over. Someone will leave the bag with the ice cream melting in the car and throw your blue cashmere sweater in the drier. Your husband will sleep with a girl your daughter’s age, her breasts spilling out…Read more
Relationships are hard, but why?

The statistics on divorce rate is alarming and says something about how challenging it is to be in a long term committed relationship. “There is actually nothing more difficult than on the planet than another person” says psychologist Dr. Stan Tatkin. In this short video entitled Relationships are hard, but why? he suggests that its not…Read more