Blog Archives
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy
Over the course of time, many couples need assistance, guidance and sometimes therapy to help their marriage and relationships overcome problems and thrive towards success. Having a successful marriage is one of life’s greatest pleasures and yet nearly 50% of marriages end in divorce. The statistics on divorce rate is alarming and says something about…Read more
Hold Me Tight – Relationships
“Romantic love is all about attachment and emotional bonding. It is all about our wired-in need to have someone to depend on, a loved one who can offer reliable emotional connection and comfort. Love is not the icing on the cake of life. It is a basic primary need, like oxygen or water. Once we…Read more
Hold Me Tight
Love demands the reassurance of touch. Most fights are really protests over emotional disconnection. Underneath the distress, partners are desperate to know: Are you there for me? Here is a great article on Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, an approach to counselling that really gets to the bottom of the relationship distress that I’m seeing in…Read more