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Yes, things are inconvenient Yes, things are chaotic Yes, the kids at home are a handful Yes, yes, yes But you know what else is a YES? Yes, to quiet Yes, to stillness Yes, to self-reflection and growth Yes, to being and connection Yes, to healthy eating and exercising Yes, to creativity Yes, to decluttering…Read more

By larry in , , , , , , , on March 20, 2020

Relationships are hard, but why?

The statistics on divorce rate is alarming and says something about how challenging it is to be in a long term committed relationship. “There is actually nothing more difficult than on the planet than another person” says psychologist Dr. Stan Tatkin. In this short video entitled Relationships are hard, but why? he suggests that its not because of sex, money…Read more

By larry in , , , , , , , , on March 8, 2018

Relationships are hard, but why?

The statistics on divorce rate is alarming and says something about how challenging it is to be in a long term committed relationship. “There is actually nothing more difficult than on the planet than another person” says psychologist Dr. Stan Tatkin. In this short video entitled Relationships are hard, but why? he suggests that its not…Read more

By larry in , , , , , , on January 2, 2017

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