Blog Archives
Parenting Support Group: How To Raise A Teen Behind A Screen

In an effort to better understand the growing phenomenon of Internet Addiction I will beĀ holding a parenting group on the topic of setting limits for video game misuse. Research has shown that household rules about how, when and how much children and teens can use media are effective in reducing media time. In households that…Read more
Parenting Support Group: Internet Addiction and Video Gaming

In an effort to better understand the growing phenomenon of Internet Addiction, I will beĀ holding a parenting group on the topic of setting limits for video game misuse. Adolescents and youth may be particularly attracted to the Internet for a variety of reasons; developmental issues, social dynamics (family factors and peer interactions), and cultural components….Read more
Unplugged: Video Game Addiction and Setting Limits – July 18th

Adolescents and Youth may be particularly attracted to the Internet for a variety of reasons; developmental issues, social dynamics (family factors and peer interactions), and cultural components. This can pose some very challenging parenting dilemmas. The internet generation faces a situation totally different from what their parents have faced. The dynamic rate of change allows…Read more