I wanted to personally invite you to a pre-screening of Canadian director Jason Reitman’s new film. I’m going to be doing a special introduction, as well as the Q + A afterwards. It would be so amazing if you could join us.
One theme the film draws upon is the notion that despite the myriad of methods of contact and interaction, we are increasingly separated from each other. We all long for “Real” heartfelt human connection. Is wired into our DNA. It is in our survival code and yet we seem to be living a more superficial, isolated, and solitary lives.
Watch the teaser trailer for MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN
MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN follows the story of a group of high school teenagers and their parents as they attempt to navigate the many ways the internet has changed their relationships, their communication, their self-image, and their love lives. The film attempts to stare down social issues such as video game culture, anorexia, infidelity, fame hunting, and the proliferation of illicit material on the internet. As each character and each relationship is tested, we are shown the variety of roads people choose – some tragic, some hopeful – as it becomes clear that no one is immune to this enormous social change that has come through our phones, our tablets, and our computers.
Monday September 22nd 2014 – 7:00 PM
Cineplex Odeon Varsity
55 Bloor St. W,
Toronto, ON
Hosted by Larry Borins who will introduce the film and moderate a post Q&A after the film.
Larry Borins MSW, RSW is a psychotherapist in private practice in Toronto. He holds a Masters degree from Wurzweiler School of Social Work, Yeshiva University. In addition, Larry has trained in Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Mindfulness Based Interventions and Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy and uses these modalities to help his clients get out of the vicious cycles of negative emotions, recognize destructive patterns, find deeper connections, and explore new options for positive change. Larry is also a public speaker and has a special interest in the psychological impact that technology has on youth and family relationships.
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