Call to Action: What All Social Workers Can Do to Increase Access to Social Work Counselling in Workplace Group Benefits Plans

Dear OASW Member:

As we all know, despite social work’s long-established expertise in counselling, this is not well recognized in workplace group benefits plans.

Research documents that a range of personal factors impact upon the health and productivity of Canada’s workforce.  Access to counselling provided by social workers is not simply an asset to employees and their families – it adds value to their workplaces and helps to foster healthier communities.

  • Did you know that coverage of social work counselling in group benefits plans provides employees and their families with choice and access to specialized skills?
  • Did you know that insurance companies are prepared to cost-out and provide any benefit that an employer wants, but the request must come from the employer?
  • Did you know that coverage of social work counselling is cost-effective for employers?

It is vital that all employees let their employers know that they want social work counselling covered as a benefit in their workplace group benefits plan. We need your help. 

What can you do?

  1. Approach your union, HR personnel or employer today to ask that social work be included as a benefit when the contract for your group plan comes up for renewal.
  2. Ask your workplace colleagues to also approach your union, HR or employer to ask that social work be included as a group benefit.
  3. Ask your family and friends to approach their unions, HR personnel or employers today to ask that social work be included as a group benefit when the contract for their plan comes up for renewal.
  4. Send feedback on your outreach efforts to OASW at [email protected].

We have compiled some facts & background information; to view, click on Group Benefits Coverage or FAQ. If you need more information, please contact the OASW Provincial Office.

Ontario Association of Social Workers

L’Association des travailleuses et travailleurs sociaux de l’Ontario
410 rue Jarvis Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 2G6   [email protected]  Tel: (416)923-4848 

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