Happy New Year!! As we start to plan for 2012, I want to take this opportunity to let you know about the second round of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Programs (MBSR) that Dr. Neil Levitsky and I will be offering starting Wednesday Feb 15st, 2012.
Clip from the Center for Mindfulness
What: MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) – an 8 week program with weekly 3 hour sessions devoted to learning to be more mindful – living more in the present moment.
How: We will be focusing mainly on meditation and gentle yoga. There will be about an hour a day of homework: daily practice of the meditation and/or yoga at home, with some reading.
When: The program will start on Wednesday Feb 15th, and run to April (except no meeting Mar. 14th), 7- 10 pm and the Sunday session will run from 10 am to 4:00 pm (date TBA).
Where: The meetings will be held at the JACS office, 858 Sheppard Av W, North York, M3H 5V5 – Between Bathurst and the Downsview Station – (although this group is not part of their programs).
Who: Meetings are co-facilitated by Dr. Neil Levitsky and Larry Borins, MSW, RSW.
Fees: Low introductory rate of $350.00 (includes all materials – handouts, and CDs). Extended health insurance may cover some or all of this cost.
To Register Please call: Dr. Neil Levitsky (416) 515-7741 or visit www.cognitivetoronto.com
- This program is open to anyone who would like to learn to be more mindful, to be more focused on the present moment, in order to savour the positive things in life and also to be calmer and less reactive to the negatives.
- This can be beneficial for dealing with anxiety, depression, chronic pain or illness, life stresses, unhealthy habits, etc. Almost anyone could benefit from it!
- You can not do this program if you are currently abusing alcohol or drugs.
- Dr. Neil Levitsky will meet with everyone for an assessment first to determine program suitability.
- The size will be a maximum of 20 participants, so you will need to pay the $350 fee in full in advance to reserve a spot
- Don’t worry about your ability to do yoga! We will be doing gentle stretching, which can be modified easily to accommodate any physical restrictions or limitations
- This is open to people with no experience of meditating, and also to those who have done a meditation course or program in the past.
Hope you have a happy and healthy holiday season.